الحمد لله حمدًا يوافي نعمه ويکافئ مزيده، وصلاة وسلامًا على سيدنا محمد وآله وأصحابه أولي الفضل والمجد، وعلى الأئمةِ الذين شادوا الدين، وعلى من تبعهم بإحسان إلى يوم الدين، وبعد،،،،
فهذا بحث بعنوان (القيم الجمالية في ديوان النَّمِر بن توْلب العُکْلي ت635م، دراسة بلاغية) حاولت الباحثة من خلاله إظهار القيم الجمالية في شعر واحد من فحول الشعراء الجاهليين، صاحب شخصية متميزة، وتجربة وسعة اطلاع على أحوال مجتمعه، والثقافات المجاورة، وهو النَّمِر بن توْلب العُکْلي، حيث قامت الباحثة بتعريف مفهوم الجمال وقِيمه، وذکرت نبذة عن الشاعر، ثم استخرجت نماذج من شعره وحاولت تحليلها والکشف عن القيم الجمالية لرؤية الشاعر وفکره وإحساسه بها متمثلة في الجمال الأنثوي الحسي والمعنوي، وجمال الرجل المعنوي، وجمال الطبيعة المتحرکة والصامتة، وتهدف الباحثة إلى إبراز دور الشعر وإسهامه بقوة في بناء قيم مجتمعه الجمالية، التي نشأت من خلال الممارسة الحياتية للشاعر.
The Aesthetic Values in Al-Namer Bin Tawlab Al-Okaly's Collection of Poems (Died in 635 A.D.)
A Rhetorical Study
By: Asmaa Adel Mohammed Ali
A Lecturer in the department of Rhetoric & Criticism
Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies (females Branch) in Cairo
Thanks be to Allah whose bounty includes all living and peace be upon His Messenger Muhammad, his companions and their followers till the eternal day.
In this research entitled, the Aesthetic Values in Al-Namer Bin Tawlab Al-Akly's Collection of Poems (Died in 635 A.D.)- A Rhetorical Study, the researcher has tried to show the aesthetic values in the poetry of the pioneering poets of Jahileya (the era before Islam) whose character was distinguished and he was knowledgeable of his society and its experience as well as the neighboring cultures. That poet was Al-Namer Bin Tawlab Al- Okaly. The researcher has identified the concept of Aesthetics and its values. She has also introduced a synopsis about the poet then she specified samples for analysis in order to find out about the aesthetic values according to the poet's vision, his thinking and his feelings as embodied in the feminine sensation and abstraction, masculine's abstract beauty as well as the silent and moving beauty of nature. The researcher is keen on tracing the role of the poet and his powerful contribution to establish the aesthetic values of his society which the poet has practiced in his actual life.
Key Words: aesthetic values, Al-Namer Bin Tawlab, the poets of Jahileya.