تطورت العلوم والمعارف في شتى مجالات الحياة تطورا هائلاً ومن أکثر هذه العلوم تطورا (علم الطب) الذي يرتبطارتباطاًوثيقاً بشريعة الإسلام الغراء، فما نکاد نسمع بموضوع من موضوعاته إلا ووجدناه في حاجة إلى رأي الشارع فيه لبيان حکمه من حل أو حرمه. وفي هذا البحث أتناول قضية مهمة جدا وهي رأي الشرع في العمليات الطبية التي يلجأ إليها البعض لتحديد نوع الجنين ذکرا أو أنثى، أو اختيار نوع معين من الأجنة وترک النوع الآخر؛ لتجنب ولادة طفل به بعض الأمراض الوراثية التي من الممکن أن تنتقل إليه من أبيه أو أمه. وبيان موقف الفقه الإسلامي من هذا العمل والأحکام والضوابط المتعلقة به.
الکلمات المفتاحية: اختيار نوع الجنين – ويعلم ما في الأرحام –الإجهاض – التلقيح الصناعي.
The position of Islamic jurisprudence to determine the type of fetus
By: Prof. Zaid Marzouk Abdul Mohsen Alwesais
Associate Professor, Department of Basic Education
Islamic Studies at the Public Authority for Applied Education
Praise be to Allaah. Creator of the heavens and the earth and the creator of all the pairs،which we know and what we do not know. He says in his Holy Book: "And we shall fast in the womb what we desire for an appointed term،then we will bring forth a child to you. ) And pray and be safe on the elite of his creation،the best of the lights and the lamp of darkness،the mercy of the gift،and the grace of Muhammad bin Abdullah and his family and his companions and those who followed them in charity to the day of religion.
And after science and knowledge in various fields of life have developed tremendously،we hardly look at any of these areas،but we have a prominent role to play in science.
The most important science is influenced by this scientific renaissance ("the science of medicine") which directly affects man from the beginning of his formation to the end of his life. His subjects،like others،are closely related to the Islamic law of Islam. To the view of the street in which to indicate his ruling on a solution or his sanctity.
One of the most prominent topics that emerged in this science is an attempt to determine the type of the fetus and the resulting divergence of ideas and their ramifications،conflicts of opinion and diversity،and differences of scholars between the analyst and the haraam،
Optional reasons for this topic:
I have chosen (the position of Islamic jurisprudence to determine the type of fetus) subject of this research for the following reasons:
First: My desire to be exposed to this contemporary issue of concern to the Muslim family،but to the whole world
Keywords: Selection of the type of fetus - and knows what in the wombs - abortion - artificial insemination.