الحمد لله ربّ العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على أشرف المرسلين ، وبعد:
" واو الثمانية " مصطلح مشهور بين أهل العلم؛ حيث ذکروا أن من خصائص کلامهم أنهم يلحقون الواو في الثامن من العدد، واختلفوا في تلک " الواو"؛ بين مثبت ومانع، وتجد الخلاف ظاهرا في إثباتها في القرآن الکريم، فلهم فيها مذهبان؛ من يقول بوجودها، ويأتي بشواهد لها، ومن يمنعها ويحمل تلک الشواهد على وجه آخر غير الثمانية؛ وکلٌ له حجته، وهذه دراسة حول وجودها في القرآن الکريم؛ بين القبول والرفض، والله الهادي إلى سواء السبيل.
الکلمات المفتاحية: واو الثمانية - دراسة بلاغية
Controversy around the wāw (and) Associated with the Eight Element as Presented in the Holy Qur᾿ān: A Rhetorical Study
By: Dr. Mahmoud Yasin Awad Sayyed Shinawi
Professor of Rhetoric and Literary Criticism at the Faculty of Arabic Language, Cairo
E.MAIL: mahmoud.yasin@azhar.edu.eg
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad.
Wāw Ath-thamāniyah (associated with the eight element to mention) is a common term among the scholars of Arabic. They mention that joining the wāw to the eighth element is a characteristic of their speech. They disagreed among themselves on that wāw. Some ascertain its existence, while others dismiss it. This difference of opinion reflects on the writings by linguists who study the Holy Qur᾿ān. One school of thought seeks to prove it, citing examples for it. Another school infers different indications from those examples, providing their own evidence as well. So, this is a study about admitting or rejecting the idea of its existence in the Qur᾿ān. God is our Guide to the right path.
Key words: controversy around wāw althamāniyah– rhetorical study