يهدف هذا البحث إلى إثبات أنَّ عتابَ النبيِّ-ﷺ- ليس کعتابِ غيره من البشر، وإنما هو عتابُ تکميلٍ، لا عتابُ عقوبةٍ وتنکيل؛ وذلک من خلال دراسة آيات العتاب دراسة بلاغيَّة تحليلية.
وقد اعتمدتُّ في هذه الدراسةِ على المنهجِ الاستقرائِيِّ الاستنباطِيِّ التحليلِيِّ، وکان من أهمَّ النتائجِ التي توصَّلْتُ إليها في هذا البحث:
• أنَّ العتابَ في هذه الآياتِ کانَ على ما اجتهدَ فيه رسول الله-ﷺ-، والاجتهاد مما يحتمل الصَّواب والخطأ، واجتهاده في الأمرِ کان قبل نزول الوحي عليه، وأن ذلک لا ينقص من قدره، بل هو إعلاء لشأنه، وتعظيم لمنزلته.
الکلمات المفتاحية: البلاغة القرآنية- العتاب- النبي - دراسة بلاغية.
Qur'anic eloquence in the blame of the best of wilderness, may God bless him and grant him peace
Asmaa Rihan Bayoumi Elsayed
Department of Rhetoric and Criticism, College of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt.
Email: asmaaRihan.el20@azhar.edu.eg
This research aims to prove that the reproach of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - is not the same as reproaching other people, but rather a complementary reproach, not reproach as punishment and abuse. And that is through studying the verses of admonition, an analytical rhetorical study.
I relied in this study on the deductive deductive analytical method, and among the most important results that I reached in this research:
• That the admonition in these verses was based on what the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, endeavored to endure right and wrong, and his diligence in the matter was before the revelation was revealed to him, and that this does not diminish his worth, rather it is elevating his affairs and venerating his stature.
Key words: Qur'anic rhetoric - reproach - the Prophet -rhetorical study.