تناولت هذه الدراسة المبارکة جانبا من أدب الأنبياء مع الله في الدعاء من خلال القصة القرآنية في باب الحاجات، وذکرت فضل الدعاء وآدابه من خلال القرآن والسنة ووضحت أهمية الدعاء في حياة المسلم، ثم ذکرت الدراسة جانبا من دعاء الأنبياء والرسل – عليهم السلام- أمثال نبي الله نوح عليه السلام وذکر دعائه الخاص بابنه العاصي، ونبي الله إبراهيم عليه السلام وذکر دعائه الخاص بالذرية، ونبي الله يعقوب عليه السلام وذکر دعائه الخاص بأبنائه، ونبي الله موسى عليه السلام وذکر دعائه الخاص به عند خروجه من مصر ، ونبي الله زکريا عليه السلام وذکر دعائه الخاص بالذرية، ونبي الله يونس عليه السلام وذکر الدعاء الخاص به وهو في بطن الحوت واستنباط الدروس والعبر من دعائهم – عليهم السلام .
This blessed study dealt with an aspect of the literature of the prophets with God in supplication through the Qur'anic story in the chapter on needs, and mentioned the virtue and etiquette of supplication through the Qur'an and Sunnah, and clarified the importance of supplication in the life of a Muslim. Noah and he mentioned his supplication for his disobedient son, and the Prophet of God Ibrahim and he mentioned his supplication for the offspring, and the prophet of God Jacob and he mentioned his supplication for his sons, and the Prophet of God Moses and he mentioned his own supplication for his exodus from Egypt, and the prophet of God Zakariya and his supplication for the offspring, and the prophet of God Yunus and mentioned his own supplication while he was in the belly of the whale and deduced lessons and lessons from their supplications - peace be upon them.
Keywords: literature - Prophets - Supplication - Quranic Story - Prophet Of God Noah - Prophet Of God Abraham - Prophet Of God Jacob - Prophet Of God Moses .