لقد اهتم علماء المسلمين اهتماما بالغا بقضية صدق نبوة محمد e، وهذا ما أکدته عناوين الکتب التي اهتمت بعرض هذه القضية، وتنوعت الأدلة على صدق النبوة بين دلائل حسية وعقلية وروحية، ومن أدلة نبوة محمد e التي أشار إليها بعض العلماء حماية الله للنبي وعصمة النبي في کل مراحل حياته.
وامتدت حمايته إلى ما قبل مولده وما بعد وفاته، فقد بسط الله سلطان حمايته لنبيه، فلم تنجح کل محاولات الاعتداء عليه e حيا وميتا، ولم ينجح المعتدون في بغيتهم مع توفر کل الوسائل المادية لذلک، فلولا أن النبي محمي بالعصمة من الله ما استطاع أن يحمي نفسه منهم، لذلک عجز أعداؤه في تحقيق مآربهم والنيل منه، لأن الله تعالى هو الذي أعلن حمايته لنبيه، وذلک لأنه محاط بعصمة الله له، فقد کفاه الله تعالى المستهزئين والمعتدين، وتولى الله بذاته الحفظ والحماية للنبي e، فکان المعتدون بين أحد أمرين، إما انتقام من الله بسوء عاقبتهم، وإما هداية من الله لهم بالإيمان والتصديق بنبوتهe .
وجاء هذا البحث ليظهر هذه القضية، وکانت أهم نتائجه: أن حماية الله للنبي e کانت معه في کل مراحل حياته وبعد وفاته، وفي ذات الوقت کانت هذه الحماية دليلا على أنه نبي صادق، وأن أعدائه لم ينجحوا في الطعن فيه حيا أو ميتا بدليل علمي واحد.
Muslim scholars have paid great attention to the issue of the truthfulness of the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad, P. b .u .h. The Proofs for the validity of his prophethood divided into physical, intellectual and spiritual signs. Allah's protection to the Prophet and the Prophet's infallibility throughout all stages of his life are among these proofs, as indicated by the majority of the scholars. The Protection of Allah to His Prophet extended from his birth until after his death. Therefore, all attempts to attack him, alive or dead, had failed.
Regardless of the abundance of physical means for the attackers, they did not succeed in their goals. Were it not for the Prophet to be protected by Allah, he would be able to protect himself from them. The prophet's enemies were unable to achieve their goals or hurt him, because of Allah's affirmation to protect him. The aggressors had to choose either a punishment from Allah as a consequence of their transgression, or a guidance from Him that would lead them believe his truthfulness as a Prophet, P. b .u .h.
This paper will reveal this issue. One of its premier results was that Allah's protection to His Prophet was throughout the stages of his life and after his death. In the meanwhile, this protection was an apparent evidence that he was a true Prophet, and that his enemies did not succeed in harming him, alive or dead, by reciting one single evidence.
Key words: proofs- Prophethood- the protection of Allah, the Prophet' Mission, his death