لهذا البحث أهمية بالغة لأنه يرتبط بشعيرة من شعائر الإسلام، ولکثرة الوسائل والطرق التي يمکن التوکيل في ذبح الأضحية عن طريقها في الوقت الحاضر؛ لهذا وغيره جاء هذا البحث ليبين حکم ذبح الأضحية في غير بلد المضحي ، وما يتعلق بها من المسائل ؛ مثل حکم التوکيل في شراء الأضحية والسنن التي تفوت لمن ضحى في غير بلده ، ويمکن إجمال المسائل التي في البحث فيما يأتي :
الأضحية مشروعة باتفاق الفقهاء والصحيح أنها مستحبة وليست بواجبة ، کما أن الوکالة مشروعة کذلک باتفاق الفقهاء .
يباح للمضحي أن يوکل غيره لشراء الأضحية ، وتوزيع لحمها ، کما أن له أن يوکل من يذبحها إذا کان الوکيل أمينا ، والأولى للمضحي أن لا يوکل بالذبح إلا مسلما .
من سنن الأضحية أن يتولى المضحي ذبح أضحيته بنفسها ، فإن لم يذبحها بنفسه فإن السنة له أن يشهدها ، فإذا بُبحت فمن السنة أن يأکل منها ، وهذه السنن لا تفوت على من أراد التوکيل بذبح أضحيته في غير بلده.
من نذر أن يذبح أضحيته في غير بلده فيجب عليه الوفاء بنذره .
من العلماء من منع من التوکيل بذبح الأضحية خارج بلد المضحي، والراجح أن للمضحي أن يوکل من يذبحها عنه خارج البلد.
من کان في بلد وأضحيته في بلد فالمعتبر في الوقت وقت مکان الأضحية .من ضحى في بلد وأراد أن يُطعم الکافر منها فله ذلک .
Authorization to slaughter the Udhiyah in a country other than the one of the sacrificing person
This topic is of great significance since it is related to one of the Islamic rites and due to the fact that slaughtering a sacrifice(Udhiyah) can be delegated in too many ways nowadays.
For this and other reasons, the present topic shows the rule of sacrificial slaughtering in a country other than that of the person offering the sacrifice in addition to other related issues such as delegation rule that regards the purchase of a sacrifice and the Prophetic traditions that could be missed by the person who offers a sacrifice in a country other than theirs.
The topic's total issues could be as follows:
The sacrifice is legally and religiously accepted by all jurisprudents.
True, it is favoured not an imposed duty. Besides, relevant delegation is also valid as per the unanimous consent of the jurisprudents.
The person offering a sacrifice is eligible to delegate someone else to purchase a sacrifice on his behalf and distribute its meat. He is also eligible to delegate someone else to slaughter it if they are such honest people. It is far better for the person offering the sacrifice to appoint (delegate) a Moslem only to do it.
Of the Prophetic traditions is that the person offering the sacrifice to slaughter their sacrifice by themselves; however, should they not slaughter it by themselves, they have to be a witness. When it is slaughtered, they are allowed by the Prophetic traditions to share in eating it. Such Prophetic traditions can also be enjoyed by the person who delegates someone to slaughter the sacrifice in a country other than theirs.
He who vows to slaughter his sacrifice in a country other than his, he has to fulfill his vow.
Some religious people have prohibited the delegation to slaughter a sacrifice in a country other than the one of the sacrificing person.
It outweighs that the person offering the sacrifice can appoint someone else to slaughter it in another country on their behalf
If the person offering the sacrifice is in one country and their sacrifice is in another, what matters most as regards timing is the timing of the sacrificial place.
If a person offers a sacrifice in a certain country, they are allowed to invite a disbeliever to feed on it.
I do hope that the topic is beneficial and be for the sake of God only.
Keywords: Agency, Slaughter, Sacrifice, Other Than The Country Of The Sacrifice