احتوى البحث على تعريف مختصر للقراءات القرآنية، وأهمية هذا العلم وتعليمه، ثم دراسة مختصرة عن حياة المؤلف، ونشأته، وطلبه للعلم، وشيوخه الذين أخذ عنهم، وتلاميذه الذين تتلمذوا عليه، ونقلوا عنه، ومکانته العلمية، وثناء العلماء عليه، ووفاته.
ثم انتقلت للکتاب الذي عملت عليه؛ وهو التحرير والتنوير، وذکرت اسم الکتاب الذي سماه به مؤلفه، والهدف من تأليفه، ومصادره فيه، ثم عرجت على منهجه في إيراده القراءات في کتابه، ثم بدأت -باختصار- بعرض مواضع القراءات الواردة في کتابه التي تحتاج إلى نظر؛ إما لعدم صحة نسبتها لمن قرأ بها، أو إيراده الاختلاف فيها؛ وهي من المواضع المتفق عليها، أو ذَکَر بعض من قرأ بها وترک البعض الآخر، وبينت ما فيها من سهوٍ وخلل، ثم ختمت البحث بأهم النتائج والتوصيات، وعملت فهرسة للمصادر، والمراجع، ومواضع القراءات، التي فيها الخلاف؛ ليسهل الرجوع للمعلومة.
The research contained a brief definition of Al-Qira'āt (different Quranic readings), the importance of this science and teaching it, then a brief study on the author's life, his upbringing, and his seeking for knowledge,his Sheikhs (teachers whom he took the knowledge from ), his students, who benefitted from him, and his status of knowledge, the praise of scholars on him, and his death.
Then the researcher moved to the book which he worked on, which is titled: Al-Tahrir wa Al-Tanwirr , mentioning the name of the book as the author called it, the objective of its authorship, and its sources,then the researcher went on to mention the author's method of referring to the Qira'āt in his book, beginning with - in brief - presenting the place of the Qira'āt mentioned in his book that need to be considered; Either because of an incorrect attribution to the person who read (with that type of Qira'āt), or mentioning a dispute in it,while it is one of the agreed upon places, or mentioning some of those who read(with that type of Qira'āt) it and leaving others without mentioning them, the researcher showed the mistakes and faults. The paper was concluded by mentioning the most important findings and recommendations,indexing the sources and references, and place of the Qira'āt in order to facilitate reaching to the information.
Key words: readings, Surat Al-Baqara, editing, enlightenment, presentation, study.