إن الحافظ أبا الفضل السليماني من أئمة الجرح والتعديل، عاش في القرن الرابع والخامس الهجري، له کتب کثيرة لم يصل لنا منها شيء، وهو يتکلم عن الرواة جرحًا وتعديلًا، عدالة وضبطًا، وقد نقل العلماء عنه، وعدوه من المعتبرين في هذا الفن، کما صنع الحافظان: الذهبي وابن حجر، وهو يميل إلى التشدد – غفر الله له-، فربما اشتد على بعض الرواة فرد عليه الحافظان، غير أنه عمدة لتراجم لا نجدها إلا عنده، فله عنابة بتراجم بلاد بخارى وما حولها، وبحسب ما نقل إلينا کثر استخدامه لمصطلح "فيه نظر" وله معان متعددة، کما أنه اتهم بالوضع کثيرًا من الرواة .
Al-Hafiz Abu Al-Fadl Al-Suleimani is one of the leading scholars of al-Jarh wa al-Ta'dil, who lived in the fourth and fifth century AH. He has many books of which nothing has reached to us. He speaks of the narrators in terms of accreditation and discreditation, justice and perfection. Learned scholars have transmitted from him and considered him one of the reliable scholars in this art as the two Hafidhs: Al-Dhahabi and Ibn Hajar did. Although, he is inclined towards sternness in his approach - may Allah forgive him. He might have been harsh to some narrators but the two Hafidhs rejoined to him. Nevertheless, he remains an authority, where we can easily get rare information on the biography of some narrators. He pays special attention to the biography of narrators from Bukhara region and its environs. And according to what has been widely reported to us, he is fond of using the term “He Requires Reconsideration" which has multiple indications. He also accused many narrators of fabrication.
key words:
Al-Suleimani, Abu al-Fadl, Accreditation and Discreditation, Approach to Accreditation and Discreditation..