الحمد لله، والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله، وبعد:
فقد تحدثت في هذا البحث عن الإمام أبي العباس أحمد بن عمار المهدوي بنبذة مختصرة، ذکرت فيها اسمه ونسبه، وشيئاً من نشأته العلمية، وأبرز مشايخه وتلاميذه، وآثاره وتصانيفه، ثم عرجت على تفسيره "التحصيل لفوائد کتاب التفصيل الجامع لعلوم التنزيل"، وأوردت أبرز ملامح منهجه فيه؛ من طريقته في التفسير، والمسائل التي تناولها، وکيفية إيراد الأقوال، وهل له ترجيح واختيار فيما تعدد من أقوال؟
ثم تطرقت للقراءات الواردة في الکتاب، من حيث العناية بها، وأنواعها، وبيان منهج المصنف في نسبتها لأصحابها، وطريقة عرضها، وأبرز طرائق توجيهها، وختمته بأبرز ما جاء في أبواب الأصول التي ختم بها کتابه.
All praise is due to Allah, may His peace and blessings be upon His messenger, to proceed with:
The researcher has discussed in this paper about Imam Abi Al-ˊAbās Ahmad bin ˊAmār Al-Mahdawi briefly, mentioning his name and lineage, his knowledge background, his prominent sheikhs (teachers), students and works, as the researcher also discussed about Al-Mahdawi's exegesis book title: “Al-Taḥṣil li Fawā'id Kitāb Al-Tafṣil Al-Jāmiˊ li ˊOuloum Al-Tanzil" mentioning the most prominent features of his method in it; from his way of interpreting (the Quran), the issues he addressed, and his style of mentioning the sayings of the scholars, and whether he gives his valid and preferred choice in the availability of many different opinions of the scholars?
Then he touched on the Qirā'ts (different types of readings of the Quran) which were mentioned in the book, in terms of caring for them, their types, explaining the method of the author in relating them to their owners, the way it is presented, and the most prominent methods of directing them. The researcher concluded by mentioning the most prominent of what was mentioned in the main chapters that the author concluded his book with.
Keywords: Collection, Al-Taḥṣil ,li Fawā'id, Kitāb ,Al-Tafṣil ,Al-Jāmiˊ li ˊOuloum ,Al-Tanzil"