The present study was carried out to elucidate the adaptive responses of some desert plants growing in two different habitats along Wadi El-Natrun El-Alamein Desert Road. The species characterizing the sand- gravel plain habitat include Thymelaea hirsuta, Artemisia monosperma, Deverra tortuosa and Traganum nudatum, while those characterizing the dry saline habitat are Zygophyllum album and Asphodelus microcarpus. The species of dry saline habitat attained higher values of water content, degree of succulence, calcium, magnesium and chlorides. Also, Zygophyllum album achieved the highest ash content and this was mainly due to accumulation of Na+, Ca+2 and Mg+2. In addition, Na+ were accumulated with low concentration in species of sand and gravel plain, except Traganum nudatum which had high concentration of Na like species of dry saline habitat. Moreover, the studied species accumulated potassium rather than sodium, except Traganum nudatum and Zygophyllum album.
The concentration of chlorophyll b was generally greater than chlorophyll a in the studied species during the different seasons. Species of dry saline habitat tended to accumulate reducing sugars during winter. Furthermore, the concentration of total carbohydrates in all species reached the highest value in autumn followed by summer. Finally, it was found that species of dry saline habitat as well as Traganum nudatum established their osmoregulation at the dry season via cationic and/or anionic accumulation. Although, species characterizing the sand-gravel plain, their osmotic adjustment was established to great extent, via sugars accumulation.