(القواعد الفقهية والمقاصد الشرعيّة
المستخرجة من رسالة عمر-t- القضائية)
عزيز محمد علي الخطري
أستاذ أصول الفقه المشارک
عضو هيئة التدريس بقسم الشريعة کلية الشريعة والقانون بجامعة الجوف بالمملکة العربية السعودية حاليا ومشرف قسم الشريعة سابقا
وعضو هيئة التدريس بجامعة صنعاء
يتناول هذا البحث -بالدراسة والتحليل- القواعد الفقهية والمقاصد الشرعية المستخرجة من رسالة عمر-t- القضائية، وقد تکوَّن من تمهيد ومبحثين وخاتمة، تضمن التمهيد التعريف بمصطلحات العنوان وکذلک نص رسالة عمر-رضي الله عنه- القضائية، وجُعِل المبحث الأول للحديث عن القواعد الفقهية المستخرجة من رسالة عمر-t- القضائية في خمسة مطالب، وخصص المبحث الثاني للحديث عن المقاصد الشرعية المستخرجة من رسالة عمر-t- القضائية في مطلبين، وانتهى البحث بخاتمة تضمنت أهم النتائج، منها: إبراز الدراسة لمقاصد ولاية القضاء من عدل ومساواة ومکملاتهما، وکذلک القواعد الفقهية التي تمثل أسس القضاء وأصوله؛ وأن القواعد الفقهية، والمقاصد الشرعية التي اشتملت عليها رسالة عمر- t-، جميعها تعود في تأصيلها الشرعي إلى القرآن الکريم، والسنة النبوية، وأنها کانت حاضرة عند الصحابة-رضي الله عنهم- ومراعاة في الأحکام الشرعية، رغم أنها لم تکن مدونة في ذلک الوقت.
الکلمات المفتاحية:
القواعد- القواعد الفقهية- مراجعة الحق – مقصد العدل -رسالة عمر القضائية.
Juristic Rules and Legal Goals Derived from Omer's Judiciary letter
Dr. Aziz Mohammed Ali Al-Khatri
Associate professor(principles of jurisprudence) Faculty of Shari'a and Law Jouf University, Saudi Arabic previously Assistant professor
(Sanaa University).
This research studies and analyzes the juristic rules and legal goals derived from Omer's Judiciary letter. It includes an introduction, two sections and conclusion. The introduction presents the definition of the terms of the title as well as the texts of Omer's Judiciary letter. The first section is divided into five parts which discuss the juristic rules derived from Omer's Judiciary letter. The second section is made up of two parts which are devoted to the legal goals derived from Omer's Judiciary letter. The research is concluded with the most important findings such as manifesting the goals of Judiciary which are Justice, equality and their complement. It also shows the juristic rules which represent the foundations of Judiciary and its principles. All juristic rules and legal Goals which are presented in Omer's letter in its legal root are based on the Holy Quran and the Sunnah and it was present with Prophet's friends and taking into consideration the legal judgments in spite of that they were not registered in that time.
Key Words
Rules – Juristic Rules -- Truth Review – Judiciary Goal – Omer's Judiciary letter.
The Fundamental Rules Extracted from Omer's Judicial Letter
This research studies and analyzes the fundamental rules extracted from Omer's
judicial letter. It includes an introduction, two sections and conclusion. The
introduction presents the definition of the terms of the title as well as the text of
Omar's judicial letter. The first section is divided into three parts which discuss the
rule of obligation, its introduction and work in the superficiality. The second section
is made up of two parts devoted to the rule of measurement and judicial discretion.
The research is concluded with the most important findings and recommendations.
The most important results are that the rules and sentences presented in Omar's letter
are based on the Holy Quran and the Sunnah. Establishing jurisdiction is compulsory
and it is the duty of the Governor while taking the judiciary is in the five mandatory
rules. In addition, the letter has shown the legitimacy of judicial discretion and
measurement in these issues which are not discussed in a text and the need to work in
terms of superficiality not what is hidden.
Key Words
Rules – Fundamental Rules – Measurement and judicial discretion – the introductory
obligations – Omer's judicial letter
The Fundamental Rules Extracted from Omer's Judicial Letter
This research studies and analyzes the fundamental rules extracted from Omer's
judicial letter. It includes an introduction, two sections and conclusion. The
introduction presents the definition of the terms of the title as well as the text of
Omar's judicial letter. The first section is divided into three parts which discuss the
rule of obligation, its introduction and work in the superficiality. The second section
is made up of two parts devoted to the rule of measurement and judicial discretion.
The research is concluded with the most important findings and recommendations.
The most important results are that the rules and sentences presented in Omar's letter
are based on the Holy Quran and the Sunnah. Establishing jurisdiction is compulsory
and it is the duty of the Governor while taking the judiciary is in the five mandatory
rules. In addition, the letter has shown the legitimacy of judicial discretion and
measurement in these issues which are not discussed in a text and the need to work in
terms of superficiality not what is hidden.
Key Words
Rules – Fundamental Rules – Measurement and judicial discretion – the introductory
obligations – Omer's judicial letter
The Fundamental Rules Extracted from Omer's Judicial Letter
This research studies and analyzes the fundamental rules extracted from Omer's
judicial letter. It includes an introduction, two sections and conclusion. The
introduction presents the definition of the terms of the title as well as the text of
Omar's judicial letter. The first section is divided into three parts which discuss the
rule of obligation, its introduction and work in the superficiality. The second section
is made up of two parts devoted to the rule of measurement and judicial discretion.
The research is concluded with the most important findings and recommendations.
The most important results are that the rules and sentences presented in Omar's letter
are based on the Holy Quran and the Sunnah. Establishing jurisdiction is compulsory
and it is the duty of the Governor while taking the judiciary is in the five mandatory
rules. In addition, the letter has shown the legitimacy of judicial discretion and
measurement in these issues which are not discussed in a text and the need to work in
terms of superficiality not what is hidden.
Key Words
Rules – Fundamental Rules – Measurement and judicial discretion – the introductory
obligations – Omer's judicial letter
The Fundamental Rules Extracted from Omer's Judicial Letter
This research studies and analyzes the fundamental rules extracted from Omer's
judicial letter. It includes an introduction, two sections and conclusion. The
introduction presents the definition of the terms of the title as well as the text of
Omar's judicial letter. The first section is divided into three parts which discuss the
rule of obligation, its introduction and work in the superficiality. The second section
is made up of two parts devoted to the rule of measurement and judicial discretion.
The research is concluded with the most important findings and recommendations.
The most important results are that the rules and sentences presented in Omar's letter
are based on the Holy Quran and the Sunnah. Establishing jurisdiction is compulsory
and it is the duty of the Governor while taking the judiciary is in the five mandatory
rules. In addition, the letter has shown the legitimacy of judicial discretion and
measurement in these issues which are not discussed in a text and the need to work in
terms of superficiality not what is hidden.
Key Words
Rules – Fundamental Rules – Measurement and judicial discretion – the introductory
obligations – Omer's judicial letter