Rice is an economically important and widely consumed cereal that achieves high yields under submerged condition. Moreover, due to degradation in physical properties of calcareous soils it is difficult to apply flood irrigation for sowing rice crop. So, the soil and water management is favorites. Whether, Draught rice with different levels of organic manure and water depletion used to achieve this target. The obtained results revealed that increasing organic addition (sheep dung) increased soil heat capacity and air permeability by 23.7% and 65% respectively, and decreased soil impedance by 21%. Whilst, increasing moisture depletion raised soil impedance and air permeability by 2.5 and 6.8% respectively while the feeble effect was for heat capacity (0.05%). When the two factors coupled together gave the major effects on previous properties. Also, roots weight increased by increasing soil heat capacity and air permeability and by decreasing soil impedance. Moreover, improving root growth and soil organic matter resulted in increasing rice cereal and straw yield while moisture depletion show a negative significant relation with cereal and negative non significant relation with straw, but when coupled with other factors it show a highly significant relation. Water consumption increase by increasing plant livetime and moisture depletion by144% (181.27m3) and 1.5 % ( 53.38m3) respectively. While, increasing roots weight and organic addition resulted in decreased water consumption by 5.3% (189.8m3) and 3.95% (140.4m3). Finally, by increasing organic additions and roots weight increased both cereal and straw water use efficiency by (21, 23%) and (35, 36%) respectively, While it decreased to (9.4%) and 5.6% as increasing of moisture depletion.