In many countries of the world, Sorghum forage is the basic feed for livestock. The main objectives of
the recent study are; 1) evaluate the response of Alleppo grass to sowing methods and seeding rates, 2) define
the optimum cutting and stubble height for efficient Johnson grass forage and determine the efficient nitrogen
dose and form for Johnson grass production. Green forage yield was significantly (P≥ 0.05) varied with
cuttings. Neither seeding rates nor sowing methods had any significant effects on green forage yield. Also, the
first and the second order interactions between seeding rates, sowing methods and cutting had not reached the
level of significance. The insignificant effects of both seeding rates, sowing method and their interaction
might drive the conclusion that, 8 kg. faddan-1 and the simplest sowing method, broadcasting are suitable for
Johnson grass cultivation. In the meantime, the slow growth rate of Johnson grass and the very limited green
forage potentiality that was expressed by diminished total green forage yield might indicate that, Johnson
grass is less competitive to the privielling forage crops in the Egyptian forage rotation of North Delta region.
Over sowing methods, about 9-10 ton.faddan-1 of dry forage were obtained across seeding rates.
Advisors Committee Examiners Committee
Prof. Dr. Mohammed Abd EL-Sattar Ahmed.
Dr. Asmmaa M. Samir Rady
Prof.Dr.kadria MahmoudElsayed
Prof. Dr.Mahmoud El-Desouky Ibrahim
Prof.Dr. MohammedAbd El-SattarAhmed