Seventeen yellow inbred lines of maize were crossed with two yellow inbred testers Gm1002 and Gm 1021 to
produce 38 hybrids during summer of 2016 at Gemmeiza research station. In summer seasons of 2017 the 38 hybrids and
two checks were evaluated at two locations; Gemmeiza and sids research stations. The rustles of these studies might be
summarized as follows, locations mean square were highly significant for all studied traits under combined data. The
additive and additive x additive gene actions played more important role in the inheritance of for plant height and ear
length from combined data, while, the non- additive gene action was more important for days to 50% silking, ear height,
ear diameter and grain yield at Gemmeiza, Sids and the combined analysis. The results indicated that grain yield for
inbred lines (Gm 23, 45, 46 and 53) had desirable positive and significant GCA (g^i). Two crosses namely (Gm 24x Gm
1021) (36.5 ard./fed.) and (Gm 46x Gm 1021) (35.4 ard./fed.) had desirable significant superiority percentage for grain
yield compared with the best check hybrid, Sc 168 (32.1 ard./ fed.).