The present study was carried out at the Agriculture Experimental Farm of Al–Azhar University at Assiut
Governorate, Egypt, during 2016 and 2017 seasons to study the effect of intercropping maize {Zea mays, L.} cv. Threeway
cross Nefertiti – 3, as the main crop with guar {Cyamposis tetragonoloba } cv. Local variety as secondary crop. The
results could be summarized as follows: Pattern of (P1) Sgnificantly increased plant height of maize as compared with
pure stand and other intercropping patterns. The intercropping pattern of (P9) maize produced the greatest values of 100-
grain weight (g), grains weight / plant (g) and grain yield (ardab /fad.). Significant increase in plant height and leaf area
index of guar at all intercropping patterns were detected as compared with the pure stand, While, the number of
leaves/plant were of guar decreased at all intercropping patterns as compared with pure stand. The pure stand of guar
produced the maximum forage yield/fad. as compared with other intercropping patterns in both seasons. Meanwhile,
growing guar under the intercropping pattern of (P2) produced the highest values of forage yield/fad., as compared with
the other intercropping patterns in both seasons. The protein ratio/plant and total ash/plant of grown guar under
intercropping pattern of (P6) produced the maximum as compared with all the other intercropping patterns in both seasons.
The highest value of crude fibers for the guar was recorded (P4) intercropping pattern. Intercropping pattern (P3) was the
best for land utilization from land equivalent ratio (LER) and relative crowding coefficient (RCC). Maize (dominant) and
guar had the lowest values for aggressivity. All intercropping patterns of guar with maize achieved higher economic return
than pure maize and the most profitable pattern was (P3).