Two field experiments were carried- out at Nubaria Agriculture Research Station, North Tahrir, in the two successive
growing seasons of 2013-2014 and 2014-2015.The experiments were a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with
three replicates. Treatments were: (T1) cerealine bio-Fertilizer, (T2) Mineral nitrogen (45 kg.fad-1), (T3) Organic compost
.fad-1), (T4) 50% mineral nitrogen+ 50% organic compost, (T5) 1/3 organic compost +cerealine bio- Fertilizer+1/3
mineral nitrogen, (T6) 50% organic compost + cerealine bio-fertilization and(T7) 50% mineral nitrogen + cerealine bio-
Fertilizer. All studied traits (days to heading, days to maturity, filling period, plant height, number of spike.m-2, spike
length, grain yield, biological yield, straw yield, 1000 kernel weight and protein content)were significantly affected by
fertilization treatments, except for harvest index and yield efficiency. Also, results showed that T2(mineral nitrogen) and
T7(50% mineral nitrogen + cerealine bio-fertilizer) treatments produced the highest values of grain, biological and straw
yields, while treatments T4 (50% mineral nitrogen+ 50%organic compost) and T7 (50% mineral nitrogen + cerealine bio.
Fertilizer)had the highest values of protein content.