Houseflies (Musca domestica] have been considered as important agents in the dissemination of numerous infectious diseases. The present investigation was carried out in Maawa El Sayadeen squatter area in Alexandria Governorate during the summer months of the year 2000. It was conducted to study the role of houseflies as a vector for some enteric bacteria and parasites. The fly population density was determined on 5 separate occasions in four sites representing the whole area [houses, streets, garbage and animal pens] using the Scudder 's grill and recorded as mean counts. Twenty fly pool samples were collected from the four sites [5 pools from every site] using fly net. Flies of each pool were homogenized with sterile saline to suspend the associated bacteria and parasites. The saline suspension was filtered to remove the flies debris and then was centrifuged. The sediment was cultured for isolation of some enteric bacteria and was examined microscopically for detection of enteric parasites. The results revealed that flies were more abundant outdoors than indoors. The highest fly density was recorded from streets [87.8±15.2] followed by animal pens [66125,6] and garbage [62.4+18] while houses recorded the lowest fly density [25.2+5.7]. Bacteriological examination revealed isolation of Salmonella typhi from 20%of fly pools collected from each of animal pens & garbage. Shigella flexneri was isolated from 20% of pools captured from houses. Moreover, Escherichia coli was isolated from flies captured from all sampled sites denoting extensive fecal pollution of the environment. Protozoan cysts of both Giardia lamblia and Entamoeba histolytica were detected in 20 % of fly pool samples from garbage. Ova of Ascaris Lumbricoides were observed in 20% of samples captured from each of streets & animal pens and 40% of fly pools collected from houses. Strongyloides stercoralis ova were detected in 20% of samples collected from animal pens. Entrobius vermicularis eggs were detected in 40% & 20 % of pool samples from houses and streets respectively .In a coincident survey carried out by the HIPH in the same area, these parasites were also detected in the examined stools of the preschool children living in the community. In conclusion, the area is heavily infested with houseflies carrying most of the pathogenic enteric bacteria and parasites, the detection of which denotes extensive exposure of the houseflies to human feces. This strongly suggests faulty sewage disposal and poor sanitary habits. Hygienic methods for sewage and refuse disposal should be installed in addition to reduction of fly population through application of fly control measures.