Bine-Sweif city is one of the Egyptian cities. Its drinking water utilities include two treatment plants, two pumping stations, and a distribution system. The distribution system includes ground reservoir, three elevated tanks, and pipe network. The aim of this work is to evaluate the performance of the distribution system in Bine-Sweif City. The city population and its water demands were studied. Data about the distribution system were collected and updated. These data includes the treatment plants capacities, the storage capacities, the lengths and diameter of pipes. A computer program has been designed, developed and verified to calculate the hydraulic head losses for water pipes networks. The water pressured was calculated for the case of maximum and minimum water consumption. In case of maximum water consumption the water pressure into the network ranged between 13 ms to 11 meters. That reflects the gap between the water demands and the water capacity of the treatment plants. By the year 1992 the treatment plant produced more water to cover the water demands. The water pressured was calculated for the case of maximum and minimum water consumption. More water is available for storage at period of minimum water consumption, from 8-pm to 8-am. The storage water covers the gap between the water production and maximum water consumption till the year 2020. In case of minimum water consumption the water pressure into the network ranged between 54 ms to 52 meters. This pattern of water pressure is sufficient to fill the elevated water tanks. In case of maximum water consumption the water pressure into the network ranged between 37 ms to 35 meters. This pattern of water pressure allows water to leave out the elevated tanks and to balance the water demands. The pipe network provides adequate water pressure at time of maximum water demands. The network avoids formation of pipe dead ends. And minimum risk of cross-contamination is expected.