The prevalence of obesity is rising steadily all over the world, in developed as well as in many developing countries. The scientific community supported by WHO urged governments in different countries of the world to set strategies to prevent and control the giobal epidemic of obesity. To develop such strategies, a thorough assessment should be preceding at the national level to define the extent and magnitude of the problem. Hence, the Importance of this national survey. This study aimed, generally, at assessing the prevalence and types of obesity among Egyptians, as well as to obtain Egyptian norms of weight and height in each gender, in different age groups, and geographical areas. The survey also helps to build up a database for future surveillance on obesity in Egypt. Sampling of this survey was designed to be nationally representative of total sample including 31798000 individuals of different age groups from both sexes. Governorates of Egypt were stratified into six strata. From each stratum, one governorate was subjectively selected for the study and the following geographic areas were chosen; Cairo [the capital], Coastal represented by Beheira, Suez Canal represented by Suez, Lower Egypt represented by Gharbia, Upper Egypt represented by Quena and Beni-suef, and Frontier governorates represented by El-Wadi El-Gadid and Matrouh .In Cairo, three districts were randomly selected from contrasting socio-economic standards. In urban/rural governorates, the capital city was included in the sample with probability equal to one. A rural area [village] affiliated to the capital city was selected with probability proportionate to size. Sample design and size allow estimates to be obtained both on the national and regional levels. A sample size of 350 households/city or village allow estimation of the prevalence with a precision of 3%, error of 5%, and power of 80%.These estimates were obtained for rural and urban areas, males and females, and for the three social classes. For propose of date analysis, different strata according to age groups was done; preschool age [2-6y], age group [6-12y], age group [12-19y], and adults [20-80y]. The sample individuals were interviewed to collect some sample characteristics; they were also subjected to anthropometric measurements [weight, and height]. Indicators used for these anthropometric measurements are based on WHO, 1995 and WHO, 2000. Results of the national survey on obesity in Egypt concluded that overweight and obesity prevalence is reaching an alarming rate. The problem appears to be increasing rapidly in adults, adolescents, as well as in children. The prevalence of obesity is higher in urban than in rural population. It is apparent from the study that women have higher rates of obesity than men, while men have higher rates of overweight. The study revealed that the prevalence of overweight and obesity increased with age, as prevalence of overweight among men and prevalence of obesity among women started to increase at age 20y-<30y to reach the peak at 50 years. After that, overweight and obesity decreased slightly among men and overweight remained higher among women. The study recommends a spectrum of four key strategies for obesity management: prevention of weight gain; promotion of weight maintenance; management of obesity co-morbidities; and promotion of weight loss. Harmonizing national food and nutrition policies and public health policies should integrate obesity with non-communicable diseases [NCD] control program.