Patients' rights are universal values that we have to adopt. However, it is not so easy to put such values and principles into effect. This study aims at determining the extent of implementation of patients' rights at different health facilities and the degree of parents' preferences for these rights. A household interview survey was conducted and 205 participants were willing to participate. The survey was chosen to be carried out at Toson region, Montaza District, in Alexandria due to the availability of diverse health facilities. Results revealed that explanation of illness, procedures, and benefits and side effects of medication were implemented to a higher extent in the family health unit & center than in the other facilities (97.7%, 86.4% & 97.7%, respectively). The possibility of choosing a named physician and of taking a second opinion were nil (0.0%) in the Health Insurance facilities, the Maternal & Child Health center, and the Ministry of Health and Population general hospital. Participation in decision making was implemented for only 22.0% of cases. However, it had a high degree of preference especially among secondary and university educated persons (90.8%). Getting a summary report on discharge was preferred by 89.8% of participants, although it was exercised by only 3.9% of them. It was recommended that explanation of illness and procedures must be implemented in Health Insurance facilities, Maternal & Child Health center and Ministry of Health and Population hospital. Physicians should learn to involve patients in decision making, and health care planners have to investigate the applicability of choosing a named physician and of taking a second opinion as they were associated with high levels of patients' preferences.