Delegation is one of the requirements of the head nurse who is considered as the first-line nurse manager in the nursing service department and is responsible for managing one inpatient care unit. This study aims at determining the relationship between delegation process skills and leadership styles of the head nurses of general medical and surgical inpatient care units at Alexandria Main University Hospital. The subjects of the study comprised all of the head nurses in 34 general medical, and surgical units at the previously mentioned hospital. Data for this study were collected through two main scales, namely: Delegation Skills Questionnaire and Leadership Styles Checklist. This study revealed that there was no significant relationship between the delegation process skills and the leadership styles of the head nurses except in the evaluation phase. Those who had an autocratic leadership style had significant satisfactory skills in evaluating the assigned duties and the delegated authority for nurses than head nurses with the other leadership styles. Also, married the head nurses had significant satisfactory evaluation skills in their assignment of duties to nurses.
Delegation Skills, Leadership Style, Head Nurses, Alexandria Main University Hospital
Lecture of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University, Egypt
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Journal of High Institute of Public Health
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