Food is of great role in human health. The best goal in this concept is variety in the diet and moderation. This hypothesis has been observed on bases of nutritional biochemistry. A single food, i.e., Phaseolus bean, was used at rates of 30, 50, and 100% replacements of the basal diet for aged rats. It was clear that the higher rate of morbidity and mortality due to this sort of malnutrition, or semistarvation, has been associated with some biological changes. Although beans are rich in containing proteins, the partial replacement of this plant food origin at 30% has shown to be a good help in keeping an optimal body weight (BW) of those aged animals, but any more degree of replacement has seen to be vital in affecting the animal health, hence 50% or over might resulted in animal death. It seemed that 25% may be useful in maintaining BW, meanwhile, a further rate of this plant origin replacement up to a specific level should be an effective way in treating obesity if used in a proper dietary system. In more details, organ morphologies and histopathological examination of some of which as spleen, brain, and liver are greatly affected by imbalanced diets. In another word, the metabolic differences rolled up by this sort of feeding negatively affected liver and brain expectancy or longevity. A number of tissues up normality, such as liver tissues dilatation and congestion of hepatoportal vessels, hepatocytes karyomegaly nuclei, congestion of central vein, and granular degeneration of hepatocytes with both most higher rates of replacement groups. Moreover, there were focal gliosis, pyknosis of neurons, brain edema, and hemorrhage in cerebrum and cerebellum in brain of the same groups. It is obvious that all these organ dysfunctions are frequently occurred as a response to these and similar kind of malnutrition, other than energy one, that has been existed for a long enough time. This weak homeostatic system has been shown as less control on the metabolic constants such as blood glucose (G), triglycerides (TG) and total cholesterol (TC). All those are most likely correlated with the organs subclinical defects mentioned before. It seems that this biological control that actually supported in the presence of balanced diet can be a biological up regulatory mechanisms, and the death eventually occurs due to a protein catabolic pathway due to a protein, the quality but not only quantity, malnutrition. It is an emergence metabolic system (EMS) that runs for longer time caused by a strengthen need for some micronutrients as well as high rate of nitrogenous metabolite accumulation. This protein turnover in such high rates beyond the biological capacity of both intracellular and extracellular compartments negatively affect the whole biological system including cells, tissues, organs, and eventually the blood chemistry as well. Refeeding with a proper system of animal high quality protein and some micronutrients might be vital.