Evidence-based practice (EBP) is an approach that integrates the best current available scientific evidence with the expertise of the health professionals, patient's preferences and values to make decisions about health condition. EBP provides safe and custom-made care that produces the preferred health outcomes, increases the care satisfaction in care recipients, and reduces the cost of health care. Applying of EBP will facilitate deciding about choosing of the most effective program or intervention, and culturally accepted by a community. EBP as a tool for improving the health care quality will serve the long-term goal of improving the quality of primary care and preventive services. It was very important to explore the views of health care professionals about EBP that concluded their willingness to practice it. While the EBP is a new approach for the Egyptian society, the present study aimed to investigate the perspectives of academic community health nurses and primary health care nurses at local level of Dakahlia governorate. Quasi-interventional study design was used with qualitative data collection approach. The study was based on qualitative investigation of the participants knowledge and views about evidence- based practice, before and after a two days training program that gave an intensive overview about the evidence- based practice. Results of the study showed lack of knowledge among participants about EBP that hindered them to give explicit views before attending the training program. The participants attained knowledge that was sufficient enough to portray their views about EBP after attending the training program. They described EBP to be an objective and practical tool that facilitate decision making in daily practice. They mentioned also that EBP is an approach of life-long learning, but it requires a well-established professional environment. The study concluded that providing essential knowledge about EBP enabled community health nurses to portray perspectives about the values and possibilities of its application. They suggested establishing a partnership system between academic nursing institutions and primary health centers to implement EBP.Based on the illustrated findings the study recommended conducting comprehensive training programs on EBP and to community health nurses, providing raising awareness programs to embed the EBP into the organizational cultures of academic institutions and primary health centers, and carrying out further study on establishing the partnership framework between academic institutions and primary health centers.