Background: Flax seeds are rich in linolenic acid (omega-3) which possess antioxidant, antiinflammatory, and anti-carcinogenic effects. Pumpkin seeds are good sources of Omega 6 fatty acids which have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and hypolipidemic effects. Seed germination, as a method of food processing, improves its nutrient value.
Objectives: to investigate some biological and biological effects of complementary foods of mixed raw and/or germinated flax and pumpkin seeds on rats.
Methods: In a 35-day experimental study, five groups (5 rats/ each) of male albino rats were fed on basal control diet [control group] and 4 combined mixtures of raw flax and pumpkin seeds (FNPN) and/or germinated flax and pumpkin seeds (FGPG) [experimental groups]. The (FNPN)/(FGPG) mixtures were chemically analyzed. Rats were biologically and histologically investigated as well.
Results: Crude ether extract, protein & fibers; nitrogen free extract; minerals (except Mg); β-carotene and riboflavin contents were significantly higher in FGPG mixture compared to others. The sensory properties of the biscuits and cakes products in terms of colour, texture, taste, odour and overall acceptability were not significantly different in biscuits compared to the control. However, in case of cakes, there were slight significant differences but still accepted by the panelist. Additionally, FNPN was the best in LDL-ch, TG and Tch values, respectively (2.67, 37.00 and 50.00 mg/dl). There was no significant difference between different groups in the ratio of HDL-ch/LDL-ch. But the FGPN and FNPN, respectively recorded the lowest values of AIP (31.67 and 39.33 IU/L, respectively) and ALT (228.00 and 232.33 IU/L, respectively), as liver function indicators, whereas, the FNPG and FGPG groups were the best in creatinine (0.427 and 0.440 mg/dl, respectively) and urea (32.00 and 46.33 mg/dl, respectively) parameters compared to others. Finally, the histobathological effects on the liver tissues of rats revealed that FGPG had beneficial effects for the liver compared with the other mixtures which showed multiple focal areas of hepatic necrosis, some vacuolations in the intra-cytoplasm and enlargement in some hepatocytes.
Conclusion: Using germinated mixtures of flax and pumpkin seeds for fortifying some food products seemed to produce good beneficial effects on the nutritional and biological parameters.