Background: The potential role of antioxidants in treatment of periodontitis, there is a recent interest about the relationship between antioxidants and periodontitis, so the present study was designed to prove this correlation. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of use of antioxidants as adjuncts in treatment of periodontitis.
Materials and Methods: This study is an original article conducted on 75 subjects from Al-Azhar University, Medical administrator department, boy's branch, from January, 2017 till August, 2019. This paper contributes to the field of topic described. The selected subjects were divided into 5 groups: clinically healthy, gingivitis treated non surgically, gingivitis treated non surgically with antioxidants supplementation, periodontitis treated non surgically, periodontitis treated non surgically with antioxidants supplementation, groups were divided according to Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs. At the baseline, periodontal attachment loss was recorded and scaling and root planning was performed in gingivitis and periodontitis groups. Antioxidants supplementations were administrated in the form of Selenium-ACE® single daily tablets taken orally for two weeks (Vitamin A 1500 IU + Vitamin E 22 IU + Vitamin C 90 mg + Selenium 55 ug). Saliva samples were collected at baseline, 15th day, 30th day, and 45th dayfor evaluation of uric acid levels.
Results: Uric acid levels were significantly low in patients with more destructive periodontitis as compared to clinically healthy and gingivitis groups. As the treatment was initiated, significant increase in uric acid levels was observed as the time elapsed.
Conclusion: the increase in salivary antioxidants levels was observed after administration of antioxidants therapy; therefore, antioxidant therapy could be used as an adjunct to nonsurgical periodontal therapy.