The Egyptian community is characterized with continuation characteristic which makes it a community with private and unique mark other than all other communities surrounding it either the old or the new ones despite differen ce of forms an d images that this community acquired along aqes and years processes of development and distinction are slow and unobservable
In particular aswan is characterized by muitiplicity of effect and affectivity factors among community s categories and also foreign categories that affect people cleary increase of tourists and foreigners either selling or buying which led at occurrence of intanigible social changes either.
For area or buying which led at occurrence of intangible social changes either selling..for area workers by difference of there.
Roles socially culturally and professionally the researcher tries to highlight social and economical variables and their relationship with touristic development throuqh coiiecting information by studying some cases and meeting them and with some popuiation and superios the researcher applied also the ..historic methodology in its following to some constructios of study community concering associated combination analysis and expression to the community .
As a whole we introduce our research subject from social and economical variables that occurred in tourism filed and method of advancing cultural and environmental level because they represent a civiled face of Egypt in front of foreign tourists it is about the economical significance of touristic development and relationship between cultural and educational level of workers in touristic and monumental ..