The study aimed mainly at investigating the social as well as health problems of the farmers living in "Sahl El-Ttina" area in Port Said governorate. A questionnaire has been prepared and applied to a random specimen of small-scale planters and young graduates who benefit from agricultural tenure in "Arbaa" and "Sabaa" villages in "Sahl El-Ttina" area, forming a sample of 273 planters representing a ratio of 29% of the members of the agricultural organization distributed as follows: 123 planters of "Arbaa" village and 150 planters of "Sabaa" village.
These are the findings the study arrived at:
The study has indicated that problems related to education ranked fifth among the problems encountered by the planters, with a proposed average of 65.40. Sixteen other problems were grouped under education-related issues. They were arranged according to the proposed average of each problem. The problem of low-quality education came first among the issues pertinent to education, with a proposed average of 95.83.
Problems related to roads and transportation ranked fourth, with a proposed average of 67.01.Problems related to public facilities ranked first, with a proposed average of 74.83.Rank number six was occupied by the host of problems related to security, with a proposed average of 52.21.
The study has also indicated that problems pertinent to agriculture ranked second, with a proposed average of 74.43. Subsets of 19 other problems were grouped under these agriculture- related issues and arranged according to the proposed average of each problem. The problem of the unavailability of a veterinary clinic occupied the leading position in this group, with a proposed average of 91.66.
Health problems occupied the third rank among problems encountered by villagers in the area under study, with a proposed average of 73.43.
23 other problems came under this group of health problems. The absence of a resident doctor in the village medical unit came first with a proposed average of 99.16.
As for the most common diseases from which the human sample under study suffered, a large number suffered from intestinal helminthes – a disease that came in the forefront, with a frequency of 150 and a ratio of 54.9%. Bone fractions came last.