Organized crime and illicit drug trafficking have become a direct threat to the state system. They have weakened and destroyed economic and social institutions. Political and economic changes have contributed to the increase in transnational criminal organizations, especially in the context of economic globalization and great revolution in communications and transportation as well as practicing organized crime. Hence, the term transnational organized crime has been launched and has led to emergence of serious criminal organizations at the international level which rely on the system and strategy of alliances to dominate countries, making it one of the biggest challenges, whether developed or developing.
The aim of the study is to develop legislation related to organized crime and narcotics to limit its impact on the Egyptian society, by exposing the nature of the drug problem, defining the concept of legislation and organizing crime, identifying shortages in order to find out the most important modifications that can be added and identifying scientific vision round most important rules of modification in order to cut the spread of drugs, and their implications.
The study focused on subjects work at drugs' control. It consists of three hundred individuals divided as follows: (100) one hundred members of the judiciary and the Public Prosecution, and (100) one hundred police officers involved in law enforcement and combating organized crime and drugs, and (100) one hundred members of customs and borders areas as in ports and airports. The study is based on the descriptive approach that is considered as one of the most appropriate scientific curricula for the nature of the study, its objectives and its inquiries. The study used social survey for the sample whom concerned with applying and enforcing the law through questionnaires and codified interviews, in order to obtain data that can be analyzed, interpreted and distributed to answer the questions of the study and achieve its objectives.