Introduction: Pollution resulting from human-induced Environmental conditions, thus affecting the balance of elements and components. Transportation is a major cause of air pollution in private cars powered by diesel cities. Where resulting from car exhausts of Greenhouse gases, a group characterized as colorless and with a high degree of toxicity composed.
Carbon monoxide gas is (CO) of more air pollutants in urban areas, a highly toxic gas for Humans and Animals, increase its impact on congestion and Rash-hours, which is very dangerous and cause accidents due to breathing over the years.
It is also carbon dioxide (CO2) one of the most important causes difficulty breathing and a feeling of suffocation, and the occurrence of problems to the mucous membranes and bronchitis.
The Nitrogen oxides (No) It increases lung sensitivity to different diseases breathing is also working on the mucous membrane irritation to the eyes.
Hydrocarbons (HC), a fuel is completely burned. These materials are considered toxic substances and carcinogens.
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) affects the respiratory tract, high concentrations of this gas lead to spasm and suffocation and the occurrence of pulmonary sclerosis.
The lead molecules causing pain in the joints and muscles, Anemia, inflammation of the peripheral nerves and kidney disease, and affects many functions of the brain.
The goal of the study:The transport and communications sector on the issue with him and what kinds of exhaust smoke source of about 70 per cent of the existing polluting gases in the air. This high rate caused by the massive increase in the production and use of cars and vehicles. Thus, the growing number of cars means an increase in the amount of exhaust gases emitted by these vehicles and determine the amount of gas emissions from the transport sector, according to the mechanisms and the size of the engines and the quality of the used fuel type. The most important air pollutants released from the transport sector are carbon monoxide and oxides of nitrogen (NO) gas and hydrocarbon (HC) and lead.
Methodology of the study:The study relied on the theoretical method that office to gather facts and information about the nature of the problem at hand is based on, and then completed in a way that the analytical description of this information in order to reach results pertaining to this matter, and which help to reach the desired goal of the research.
•Air pollution resulting from motor vehicle exhaust is one of the most important environmental risks to health.
•Whenever the air pollution from car exhaust levels decreased mental health and cardiac vascular population has improved in the long term and the short.
•Air pollution causes, every year in a large number of premature deaths due to pneumonia, which affects children under the age of five.
•Air pollution in urban areas kills, each year, the lives of 1.3 million people around the world.
• There is a high risk to health from exposureto PM and ozone.