Adaptation is a continuous dynamic process that addresses behavior and the environment (natural and social) with change and modification until a balance is achieved between the individual and his environment. This balance includes satisfying the needs of the individual, achieving the requirements of the environment, and biologists use the term adaptation to survive the organism, in contrast psychologists use the term for the survival of the individual in mental health, and refers to the concept of adaptation to psychological events that exclude cases To restore the individual to the appropriate level of his life in his environment.
The term of the other is broad, loose and indistinguishable. As a more comprehensive expression than being restricted in a certain way, it means any character other than the self, whether identical or opposite in form and content. It may mean the enemy, friend or neutral, whether in family, tribal, Sectarianism, although it's most common meaning means another person or group of heterosexuals with a uniform identity.
The psychological variables represent a group of factors affecting human behavior and behavior. If the person is tense and unstable, his actions and reactions are illogical and irregular. If the person is calm and balanced, his actions are studied, organized and more rational. The psychological characteristics of the groups and the patterns of social interaction and the reciprocal influences among the individuals are reflected in the actions and behavior of the individual, social factors are the sum of the surrounding of the individual circumstances and factors and the social environment in which he lives.
The slums are areas deprived of basic facilities and services and therefore they produce many problems that disturb society and negatively affect its security and safety, and spread among its population poverty, unemployment, delinquency, crime, addiction and other problems, which are the general characteristics of these areas.
The objective of the research is to study the psychological and social variables related to adaptation and acceptance of the other in the Egyptian society.
The research has reached to some recommendations, which are:
1 - The need to pay attention to human relations, starting from the family, school, and institutions of work in planting the foundations of the desire to the other.
2 - The need to emphasize the role of the educational system in giving young people the skills of understanding and dialogue and acceptance of the other.
3 - The need to adjust the negative trends in the population of slums and popular to positive trends towards acceptance of the other.