The internet was witnessed a remarkable growth in the early 1990s, and the World Wide Web developed, and gave new impetus to all media in all its forms, interactive and current characteristics and the no limited space made available by the internet of this network is an ideal means of electronic publishing, as well as the low cost and ease of movement across geographical borders, and the ability of using the different elements of multimedia as a new tool to attract the internet audience.
From the above, we can identify the problem of the study in the question: "What is the impact of using Facebook in the developing the environmental concepts and trends among a sample of university youth?"
The study sought to achieve its principal goal: to recognize the uses of facebook in developing the positive enviromental trends and concepts with a sample of universty youth.
As well as the reliance has been a tool of the questionnaire on a sample of 400 single university youth at Ain Shams University representing governmental education; the institutes of El-Gazira in Moquattam representing private education; Faculty of Engineering representing practical college and the faculty of mass communication college representing the theoretical College.
The most important results of the study: there are many multimedia tools used in the selected enviromental pages which helped the audience of the page to understand its information. Environmental topics come at the top of the issues through Facebook because it works to stimulate the positive side of young people toward the environment. The high degree of adoption of respondents environmental pages via Facebook because of providing its members the enviromental concepts and trends information, as well as easiness of information provided through it and the increasing of knowledge and awarness among youth about the enviromental isssue which discussed on facebook.