The aim of this study is to verify the effectiveness of an environmental knowledge
program in the development of environmental awareness for children with a lack of environmental excitement, which is one of the first Arab studies in environmental psychology, which touched upon the theory of environmental stimulation and its impact on children. The environmental, environmental, psychological, social and cognitive aspects. A sample was selected from two groups for the first children in a poor environment and government education. The second is a rich environment and special education for males and females equally, and the age range is between (6: 9)
The message was based on the experimental approach that is appropriate to the nature of the study and its questions and verifying the validity of the hypotheses. The measure of environmental undercurrents was applied to children and the application of the environmental measure of the children and the application of the environmental quality scale and the application of the IQ scale. The man and the program were applied to the two experimental groups
A number of recommendations were also presented: studies on the child-friendly and non-dramatic environment and its impact on cognitive development
Complexity in modern urban environments and the impact on the child versus the simple environment. Field studies on learning environments
The study concluded several important results which areRecommendations
Conducting many psychological studies related to the child's cognitive developmentand what hinders this growth or increases it in terms of the environment
•Conduct further studies on the relationship between environment and stimuli, whether negative or positive
•Apply as much programs as possible to children who develop their awareness of the environment
•The implementation of many scientific seminars, which provide a summary of the results of scientific studies of parents on children of lack of environmental excitement