the social problems that associated with the rarity Of Physicians in the Egyptian countryside is considered one of the most important problems existing in the countryside, whereas the good health of the human element is the basis for the success of the social welfare community development programs. This study aimed to identify the social and health problems associated with the scarcity of doctors in the Egyptian countryside and come up with specific proposals that may contribute in the reduction of these problems in the future. older ash This topic, the researcher designed two forms of questionnaire one for people who live in the countryside and the other for doctors and amounted sample of people of 400 forms while doctors form amounted to 30 forms to collect information and the form included data like (Age - Type - Qualification - Marital status -profession - the number of children - place of residence - Average income as well as data on the respondent's family especially the issue of the problem).
The researcher used the scientific method. she used social survey methodology through the sample and comparative method in the study approach The study found out through all the cases that have been studied the existence of many social problems that are related to the scarcity of doctors (such as the spread of harmful beliefs that conducive to the spread of diseases –people revert to traditional healers and the belief in magic - Herbal and municipal recipes – lax in treatment and cure - the spread of the phenomenon female. The study recommended that the doctor should be from the province in which he or she works and the necessity of presence permanently in the health unit and the need to implement programs and plans for health awareness in Countryside.