This study aimed to investigate the effect of in ovo injection with resveratrol (Trans.3, 4, 5-trihydroxystilbene) on hatching traits and physiological response of Mandara chicks. A total of 864 fertile eggs at ED14 were distributed randomly into four groups of 216 eggs each with three replicates. At the 14thday of incubation, fertile eggs were injected in the yolk sac as following groups: first, eggs were un-injected (intact control), second, eggs were injected with 100 µl /egg of sterile water (sham control), and third and fourth eggs were injected with 100 µl /egg of (25 and 50 µg) resveratrol (RV), respectively. Results show that hatchability %, hatched chicks' weight and chick quality significantly improved for resveratrol groups compared with intact or sham control groups. Moreover, group injected with 50µg/egg recorded the highest value of hatchability (94.68%). Additionally, in ovo resveratrol injection resulted in boosted plasma antioxidants enzymes (TAC and SOD) activities and significantly decreased in plasma lipid peroxidation (MDA) levels for hatched chicks. Also, RV injection increased plasma total protein, globulin, IgG and IgM and decreased cholesterol levels. In ovo resveratrol injection had a positive effect on hematological parameters (Hb, PCV, RBCs and WBCs) and triiodthyronine (T3) of baby chicks. Relative intestinal weight, lengths of duodenum, jejunum and ileum and jejunum maltase enzyme value were significantly increased for chicks hatched from eggs injected with resveratrol. In conclusion, in ovo injection of resveratrol on 14th d of incubation has positive effect on hatchability%, chick quality, physiological, immunological, anti- oxidative status and intestinal development of hatched chicks. Yolk sac injection at E14 with 50 µg RV /egg could be recommended for improving chick's health