This experiment was conducted for a complex period of 24 wks (each of 12 wks, respectively) to investigate the effect of adding different dietary levels of iodine as calcium iodide (CaI2) on modulating some productive, reproductive and physiological parameters of Inshas strain (Egyptian developed strain). For this purpose 150 laying hens and 15 males (36 until 48 wks of age) were taken from a large flock in the 2nd period after finishing the 1st period (24-36 wks of age) that used in recording the egg production only and then divided into five equal treatment groups, each of 30 females and 3 males, with three equal replicates nearly similar in live body weight. The 1st group (T1) represented the overall mean of egg production of the flock and fed the basal diet (0.3 mg iodine/kg diet) and served as control 1, the other four groups were having an average egg production less than the overall mean by 20%. Hens were divided as follows, the 2nd group (T2) was fed the basal diet and served as control 2, while the 3rd (T3), the 4th (T4) and the 5th (T5) groups were fed the basal diet plus 1.2, 2.4 and 4.8 mg iodine/kg diet, respectively. Results indicated that iodine supplementation especially at 4.8 followed by 2.4 mg iodine/kg diet non significantly improved feed conversion ratio (g feed/g egg) and egg mass, while shell thickness was significantly (P≤0.05) improved compared to the control 2 group. Egg number and production percentage were significantly (P≤0.05) improved by iodine supplementation at 4.8 mg iodine/kg diet (T5 group) compared to the control 2 group. Moreover, significant increases were obtained for red and white blood cells count. As well, plasma total protein, albumin, globulin, T3 and T4 hormones, calcium and phosphorus salts and HDL-Ch were elevated significantly (P≤0.05) at 4.8mg iodine/kg diet. Conversely, additional iodine especially (T5 group) reduced significantly plasma concentration of total lipid, cholesterol, LDL-Ch. On the other hand, T4 and T5 groups recorded the highest values of fertility and hatchability percentage of Inshas hens.
In conclusion, dietary addition of iodine as CaI2 is a practical application at 4.8mg I/kg diet to Inshas hens and had beneficial effects on productive, reproductive, physiological and hematological parameters and immune status