Comparison study was carried out among three genotypes of Baheij breed, Baheij selected breed for increasing body weight at 8 weeks of age, Baheij upgraded groups through three generations and control group. Results were as follows:
1- Chicks of the 3rd generation were the heaviest (p<0.001) compared to those of the 1st and 2nd one at the different studied ages. Also, means of body weight of the upgraded group was the highest (p<0.001) compared to the other two groups and the selected group surpassed (p<0.001) the control one at all ages studied.
2- The three studied factors affected significantly growth rate percentage (GR %) where birds of the 3rd generation had the highest value of GR% through most of the studied intervals. The upgraded group had the highest mean at 12-16 wks of age where, the selected group grew faster at 8-12 wks of age. Both of the upgraded and the selected groups had significantly the highest values compared with the control one at 0-12, 12-20 and at 0-16 wks of age, while both of the upgraded and control groups surpassed (p<0.001) the selected one at 12-16 wks of age.
3- Body weight (BW), shank length (SL), keel length )KL) and breast width had significantly (p<0.01) higher averages at 12 wks. of age compared to those at 8 wks of age. Also, the selected group had significantly the highest BW while, the upgraded group had the highest average of SL. Moreover, males were heavier (p<0.01) than females. 4- The birds of the 2nd generation had the best (p<0.01) chick viability at 0-4 wks of age, while the values of both of the 1st and 3rd generations were nearly similar and higher than that of the 2nd one at 4-8 wks of age. 5- Live body weight, carcass, gizzard, and heart weights differed (p<0.01) in birds of the 3rd generation compared to that of the 2nd one at 16 and 20 wks of age. On the other hand, upgraded group had the highest (p<0.01) values of most of carcass studied traits compared to the others, while the control one had significantly (p<0.01) the heaviest liver. It could be concluded that upgrading through crossing Silver Montazah sires to Baheij strain dams surpassed the selection in Baheij strain at 8 weeks of age throughout three generations in improving growth traits, chick viability, and carcass traits of progeny of both F2 and F3.