The present research has proceeded on examining the effect of strains in two commercial laying hens(Lohmann LSL and Hi-sex)for Body weight, feed consumption, feed intake and mortality were measured at 28 to 35 wk and egg production traits (egg number, egg weight, Egg mass) which recorded daily from the onset of lay till 65 weeks of age. The egg mass and egg production percentage were significant increased for Lohmann strain than Hi-sex ones. Hi-sex strain was significant more efficient feed conversion (gm egg / gm feed). To assess mechanical eggshell quality a randomly collected 90 eggs for each strain at 35 wk of age, and take twenty samples eggshell randomly from these eggs to examine the ultrastructure of eggshell. The inspection ultrastructure of eggshell for Hi-sex and Lohman strains were appeared insignificant difference ultrastructure variants of eggshell mammillae; the only differences between two stain for length of palisade layer only. The length palisade layer play main role increase eggshell strength for Lohman eggs compared to Hi-sex ones.