Aim: This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of beverages (orange juice and cola) on the wear resistance and microleakage of: Self cure Glass Ionomer, Flowable bulk fill composite and Packable bulk fill composite. Materials and Methods: Class V cavities were preparered on both the buccal and lingual sides, so a total of ninety cavities were created. Teeth were divided into three main groups according to the material used (30specimens each) (A). the first group was restored with the Riva self-cure glass ionomer (A1), the second group was restored by using flowalble bulk fill SDR, Dentsply (A2), while the third group was restored with packable bulk fill composite resin Filtek p 60 (A3). All Each group was further subdivided into three subgroups (Ten specimens each) (B). The specimens of the first subgroup were immersed in an orange juice for 5 minutes, 3x/day over a period of seven days and kept in artificial saliva between erosive cycles (B1). The specimens of the second subgroup were immersed in an acidic cola drink for 5 minutes, 3x/day over a period of seven days and kept in artificial saliva between erosive cycles (B2). The specimens of the third subgroup were immersed in a saline solution for 5 minutes, 3x/day over a period of seven days and kept in artificial saliva between erosive cycles to be used as control (B3). All specimens were thermocycled (5,00 cycles, 5°C-55°C). Results: Regardless to beverage media, it was found that Flowable bulk-fil composite (A2) group had the highest surface profile mean value followed by Packable bulk-fil composite (A3) group meanwhile Selfcure GI (A1) group had the lowest surface profile mean value. Also, irrespective of the material type, totally it was found that Cola (B2) immersed group recorded the highest surface profile mean values followed by Orange juice (B1) immersed group while Saline (B3) immersed group recorded the lowest surface profile mean value. So, it was found that the flowable composite had the highest surface profile roughness, and also the cola had the highest effect on all materials. Regardless to beverage media, totally it was found that Selfcure GI (A1) had the highest leakage score mean value followed by Packablebulk-fil composite (A3) group meanwhile Flowable bulk-fil composite (A2) group had the lowest leakage score mean. Meanwhile irrespective of the material type, it was found that Orange juice (A1) immersed group had the highest leakage score mean values followed by Cola (A2) immersed group while Saline (A3) immersed group had the lowest leakage score mean value.