Aim: This study was designed to evaluate dentin bond strength by push-out test of three root canal sealers (IRoot SP, AH Plus, and MTA Fillapex endodontic sealers) with cold gutta-percha lateral obturation technique using push-out test. Methods: A total of 57 human freshly extracted mandibular premolar teeth for orthodontic reason were used in this study. All samples were decoronated 16±1mm from the apex and prepared using step-back technique up to master apical file # 40. The specimens were divided randomly into three groups (19 teeth each) according to the type of sealers used; Group 1(IRoot SP), Group 2(AH Plus sealer), and Group 3 (MTA Fillapex sealer). Each group was obturated with cold gutta-percha lateral obturation technique. The specimens were incubated for 7 days at 37oC with 100% humidity. Three sections of 2 mm thickness were obtained at 3, 7 and 11mm from the apex to represent apical, middle and coronal third
respectively. The push-out bond strength was determined for each root slice. Values were recorded, tabulated for each group and statistically analyzed. Results: IRoot SP showed the highest mean value of push-out bond strength (7.3±0.2), followed by AH Plus (6.8±0.1) while MTA Fillapex showed the lowest mean value of push-out bond strength (2.9±0.3). Conclusions: IRoot SP and AH plus sealers had greater resistance to push-out than MTA Fillapex sealer.