ArticleThe outcome of the Accent method of voice therapy as an initial treatment of patients with benign vocal fold lesions
ArticleThe outcome of the Accent method of voice therapy as an initial treatment of patients with benign vocal fold lesions
ArticleFat Versus Hyaluronic Acid Injection Laryngoplasty for Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis: Efficacy and Results
ArticleFat Versus Hyaluronic Acid Injection Laryngoplasty for Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis: Efficacy and Results
ArticleComparison between Laryngeal Microsurgery versus Laryngeal Microsurgery with Corticosteroid Injection in the Management of Patients with Minimal Associated Pathological Lesions
ArticleComparison between Laryngeal Microsurgery versus Laryngeal Microsurgery with Corticosteroid Injection in the Management of Patients with Minimal Associated Pathological Lesions
ArticleVoice handicap index after hyalurinidase injection in Minimal Associated Pathological lesions of the vocal fold
ArticleVoice handicap index after hyalurinidase injection in Minimal Associated Pathological lesions of the vocal fold
ArticleIntratympanic Injections of steroids For Treatment of sudden sensorineural hearing loss: Does the frequency of injections affect the outcome?
ArticleIntratympanic Injections of steroids For Treatment of sudden sensorineural hearing loss: Does the frequency of injections affect the outcome?
ArticleVideofluroscopic Assessment of Dysphagia in Patients with Minimal Associated Pathological Vocal Fold Lesions
ArticleVideofluroscopic Assessment of Dysphagia in Patients with Minimal Associated Pathological Vocal Fold Lesions