ArticleTakelothis II Papyrus 3048 in the Berlin Museum "A Palaeographical Comparative Study with Contemporary Texts"
ArticleTakelothis II Papyrus 3048 in the Berlin Museum "A Palaeographical Comparative Study with Contemporary Texts"
ArticleBemerkungen Zu MÖglichen religiÖsen Motiven der Darstellungen der Sumpffahrt im Delta in den privatgräbern des alten Reiches
ArticleBemerkungen Zu MÖglichen religiÖsen Motiven der Darstellungen der Sumpffahrt im Delta in den privatgräbern des alten Reiches
ArticleTeamwork in the Production of the Book of the Dead Papyri during the Ptolemaic Period: the papyrus of Peteamunnebnesetawy (p.Turin 1831)
ArticleTeamwork in the Production of the Book of the Dead Papyri during the Ptolemaic Period: the papyrus of Peteamunnebnesetawy (p.Turin 1831)