the uterus instead of spontaneous onset of the process irrespective of duration of pregnancy.
Aim: This work aimed to investigate whether the insertion of a weighted fluid filled trans-cervical Foley's catheter in women undergoing midtrimester termination of pregnancy for various reasons; may further improve the effectiveness of vaginal misoprostol in terminating their pregnancies.
Materials and Methods: A prospective, interventional, randomized controlled trial was conducted on a total number of 50 patients divided into two groups; the first group (I) included 25 patients who received vaginal misoprostol, two tablets each contains 200 microgram misoprostol (Segma pharmaceuticals, Egypt) in the posterior vaginal fornix every four hours. The mean induction delivery interval was 23.17 ± 6.19 in group I, 18.47 ± 7.34 in group II (25% reduction).
Results: The use of a weighted trans-cervical Foley's catheter filled with 30 ml saline improve the effectiveness of 400 μg vaginal misoprostol in terminating mid trimester pregnancies as reflected by a shorter induction to delivery interval with no significant increase in the incidence of side effects.
Conclusion: The use of a weighted trans-cervical Foley's catheter filled with 30 ml saline improve the effectiveness of 400 μg vaginal misoprostol in terminating mid trimester pregnancies as reflected by a shorter induction to delivery interval with no significant increase in the incidence of side effects.