ArticleFarmers' knowledge level of the extension recommendations to produce sugarcane in Luxor governorate, Egypt
ArticleFarmers' knowledge level of the extension recommendations to produce sugarcane in Luxor governorate, Egypt
ArticleStatistical Estimation of the Production and Cost Functions of Sugar Cane Crop in Minia Governorate
ArticleStatistical Estimation of the Production and Cost Functions of Sugar Cane Crop in Minia Governorate
ArticleThe extension needs agents regarding the optimal recommendations for caraway crop at El- Gharbia Governorate
ArticleThe extension needs agents regarding the optimal recommendations for caraway crop at El- Gharbia Governorate
ArticleExtension Needs of Farmers Concerning the Recommended Practices in Cotton Crop Production in some Villages of Abu Homos and Damanhour Districts, El-Beheira Governorate
ArticleExtension Needs of Farmers Concerning the Recommended Practices in Cotton Crop Production in some Villages of Abu Homos and Damanhour Districts, El-Beheira Governorate
ArticleThe Extension Needs for Caraway, Farmers in El Mesery Agricultural Cooperative - El Amereia-Alexandria Governorate
ArticleThe Extension Needs for Caraway, Farmers in El Mesery Agricultural Cooperative - El Amereia-Alexandria Governorate