The main objective of this study was to identify the grounds for divorce and its effects on women and children in some Egyptian villages.A purposive sample of 120 rural women was selected and personally interviewed from three villages in Biella district, Kafr El-sheikh governorate. Aquestionnaire was designed and developed to collect the data of the study.
Frequencies, percentages, and weighted means were the statistical methods for data presentation and analysis.
The results of the study had showed that, the majority of divorced women were married according to their parent's desires. The dominant criterion in the selection of the spouses was his economic status. The most frequent length
of engagement period ranged from one to more than two years. It was found that, divorce had happened in most cases during the first 10 years of marriage, while it could not withstand in some cases more than one year.
After The divorce, majority of the divorced wives turned back to live with their parents. They assured that, divorce could be avoided if the ex-husband offered an independent house away from his family, did not marry another
wife, and to be moderate in his un-justified jealousy about his wife. Great majority of divorced wives did not filled with remorse for their decision of divorce, but on the contrary, large proportion of them assured the
positive effect of the divorce. Freedom from psychological tension, of the continuing quarrels with the husband and his family, and ending husband's beat and abuse were examples. Divorced wives had exposed to and faced
two forms of violence. They were Physical violence through the exposure to husband beating, and psychological violence resulting from verbal abuse.