Occupies potatoes special significance among the crops of vegetablesexport Egyptian, as it represents as much as sizeable enough of itsattainment of commodity exports of agricultural g with an average value ofexports of which about 64.65 million pounds on average for the period ( 1995-2011 ) , representing approximately 5.46 % of the average annual value ofexports and agricultural commodities during the same period of about 1.18406billion pounds .
The markets are Germany , Greece , Italy , Lebanon , the United Kingdommajor markets for potato exports averaged quantities exported each fromEgypt , about 51.17 , 48.29 , 45.34 , 32.28 , 32.28 and32.18 million tons Respectively represent approximately 18.39 % , 17.36 % ,16.30 % , 12.38 % , 11.60% of the annual average of Egyptian potato exportsduring the period ( 1995-2011 )
This research was aimed mainly stand on the most important determinantsof potato exports to markets in all of Germany, Greece, as the most importantimporter of Egyptian potatoes occupied the place where the first and second,respectively, among the countries importing Egyptian potatoes