This study aims to study the problem of fertilizers in the BeheiraGovernorate, through: (1) Statistical estimation for the functions of productionfor crops (potatoes, corn, tomatoes) for Beheira Governorate during2014/2015. 2. Estimation of Technical Efficiency in a way of Farrell Approach,(DEA) Data Envelopment Analysis, according to the concepts of (CRS)
Constant Returns To Scale, and Variable Returns To Scale (VRS), toestimate the Technical Efficiency (TE), and Scale Efficiency (SE), todetermine the factors that lead to increase the Technical Efficiency for thosecrops using the fertilizers. 3. Examine the relative importance of the mainproblems faced the farmers through buying the fertilizers, and proposed
solutions. The study based on field interviews to farmers, through thequestionnaire which collected from the research sample, in addition to thedata of production, consumption and the crop needs of fertilizer issued by theMinistry of Agriculture.Has been conducting of the Cronbach's Alpha test to determineReliability to the variables of production function on production function, thendetermine whether to continue the process of statistical analysis for the data
and obtain estimates of the parameters of the production function of statisticalsignificance or not, has been confirmed the value of the self-honesty forvariables 0.749 potato, 0.602 for corn, 0.820 tomatoes, where shows highvalue and approached the right one on the high degree of self-honesty and