The aims of this study are : Financial Anaylsis for mechanical fishingboats in Alexandria Governorate by using Cost Ben Program, which dependson the use of standards of financial and Economic Analysis of Agricultural
Projects, as prepared by the World Bank to be used in judging the profitabilityof mechanical fishing boats and different professions. The study has relied onfield data of a random sample of mechanical fishing boats in Alexandria,collected during the 2015 through a questionnaire by personal interview.Thesample was selected in each given a single equal chance to appear in thesample.The study found:1. Investment costs to Shanchola boats, operated ranked first in terms of
approximately 314.7 thousand pounds, compared with their traction boatsand Alknar and Alsnar where investment costs amounted to about272.5,87.6, and 77.1 thousand pounds, respectively.2. Operating costs Shanchola boats operated ranked first in terms amountedto about 350.97 thousand pounds, compared with their traction boats andAlknar and Alsnar where operating costs amounted to about 295.81,257.09, 245.66 thousand pounds, respectively.3. The average output of Shanchola boats ranked first with an average ofabout 56.6 tons, came in second place boats traction with an averageproduction of about 44.64 tons, followed in the recpectivaly average outputof fish to the Alsnar boats at about 38.78 tons, while the stated averageoutput of fish to the Alknar boats ranked last about 34.04 tons.