The Main objectives of this research were toidentify: the sources ofinformation ofPotatoes Crop Farmers (PCFs) about Contract Farming (CF),the PCFs opinions in items should be included in the CF for this crop, theorganizations which farmers prefer to contract with them, the degree ofmportance of CF and the reasons for that importance from the viewpoint ofPCFs, the relationship between the degree of importance of CF from theviewpoint of PCFs and the set of independent variables, the expected role ofAgricultural Extension in CF from the viewpoint of PCFs, the problems that
facing the PCFs in the production and marketing of potatoes crop whichjustifies the orientation of contract farming and, finally, the the suggestedsolutions from the viewpoint of PCFs to overcome of these problems.The total population of respondents of all PCFs in village Nkla AlenabinEtay Al Baroud district was 2758 farmer, the sample size was determinedaccording to Krejcie & Morgan equation, it was338 respondentsData were collected by personal interview with respondents using aquestionnaire designed and pre-tested for the purposes of the research.Percentages, Range, Frequencies, Pearson's correlation coefficient wereused for data presentation and analysis.The most important results of the research could be summarized asfollows:- 91.4% of the PCFs mentioned that they heared about CF, and 55% of them
depend on Agricultural Extension Agent as source of their information aboutCF.- 80.6%, 51.1%, and 66.3% of the PCFs respectively mentioned that theContracting organization is responsible for the transfering of the crop,
providing of seeds, anddetermine the crop type, which will be cultivated.- 37.2% of the PCFs mentioned that prefer to contract with the Developmentand Agricultural Credit Bank.- 77.7% of the PCFs mentioned that the contract farming important for them.- There were significant relationship between the degree of importance of CFfrom the viewpoint of PCFs with the degree of the attitude towards agriculturalextension, the degree of self-development, and the degree of innovativeness.- 47.2 of the PCFs mentioned that is provideing information of marketing it isthe expecting role of agricultural extension in CF.- 61.1% of the PCFs mentioned that the exploitation of traders when buy the
crop is the most important problems that facing them when crop marketing.- 57.6% of the PCFs mentioned that marketing through agriculturalcooperatives is the best suggested solutions to solve the problems that facingthem in the production and marketing of potatoes crop.