This research aims mainly to identify the effect of using the extensionmeetings on knowledge of rural women in the field of food and nutrition; andto identify some of the personal characteristics of special rural women
respondents, and to achieve the objectives of the research, it was follow theexperimental Approach using the design (two measurements pre and post), tothe one experimental group to identify the effect of using four forms of the
extension meetings on the rural women respondents in the field of food andnutrition, the experimental design includes planning and implementation of thefour forms of extension meetings. The first of them was an extension meeting
implemented by specialist of food and nutrition, the second of them was anextension meeting implemented by the extensionists of rural development,third of them is n extension meeting with an extension aid, fourth of them was
an extension meeting without an extension aid. This research was conductedin Gharbia Governorate. The population of the research included of all ruralwomen in Gharbia Governorate. It was chosen as intentional sample of rural
women whom frequent on the extension centers, where chosen four centersas intentional sample from the seventeen extension centers in GharbiaGovernorate, because they are known with activity among the agricultural
extension centers in the Governorate, they are namely; Shony extensioncenter, Meet ghazal extension center, El-Segaiea extension center, and Ebyarextension center. Where the extension meetings were scheduling andadvertised among rural women before their implementation sufficient time, thenumber of rural women whom attending extension meetings in each extensioncenters amounted to 28, 21, 29, and 27 of rural women, respectively, so, thesample size amounted to 105 respondents., data were collected by aquestionnaire by personal interview with the respondents during the month of
August 2015. Accordingly been met 105 form, representing 100% of the targetsample, data were, encoding and discharged, it has been using theescriptive analysis methods to display data such as frequencies ,
percentages, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, T- test, coefficient of alphaconstant, and multiple regression of step wise to analyze data statistically .